RECAP: Day 1C Main-Event
- By admin
- 7 April 2019
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Day 1C started at 13:00 in Casino de Spa. Players could register around 12:00 and when the tournament started all places were book. Luckily most players could get a seat on the alternate list. At the end of the day there were 305 entries and 58 players made it to day 2.
305 entries at day 1C
Before the MEC Poker Open started we already know that day 1C was by far the busiest day. Just before 4 April all online tickets were sold out. During the event players from 1C wanted to play day 1B instead and that made it possible for players to register for day 1C at saturday. Even then there was an alternate list of around 50 people wich included we had to open an extra table to make sure most of the people could play the Main-Event.
One of the players who played day 1C was Ruurd Nauta. Yesterday he busted just before the end of the day and today he had some bad luck. Just before the dinnerbreak he got All-in with AT against AK on a AT2 flop and was in pretty good shape to take the chiplead of the day. The K on the river decided otherwise and Ruurd got eliminated. His opponent Patrick de Brock took the chipleader because of that hand. Luckily for Ruurd he could re-entry just before the late registration was closed.
Trifon Pappas, a Belgian Player with a good reputation with several APAT tournaments winnings in Namur and Spa, tried to qualify for day 2. His first bullet wasn’t a succes and he had to re-entry the tournament. Eventually he didn’t make it to day 2 and got eliminated at 61th place.
The first player to bust was Erwin Langedijk, he played for only 27 minutes before he busted the main-event. He did a re-entry, but busted just before the dinnerbreak. The Dutch owner of OneTime, Armijn Meijer, was seen at day 1C. Before the start of the tournament he placed a message in the MEC Poker Open community that he was exciting to player live poker again. Unfortunately he got eliminated at 249th place.
Chipcounts dinnerbreak:
228/304 entries
Average: 33.333
Blinds: 250/500
🇳🇱 Patrick de Brock – 92.000
🇳🇱 Bram Berkvens – 91.000
🇳🇱 Danny Nijland – 88.000
🇳🇱 Noel Maesen – 87.500
🇳🇱 Remco van Erp – 85.000
🇳🇱 Niels Kasbergen – 83.000
🇳🇱 Adam Salamov – 82.000
🇧🇪 Joachim Landerloos – 77.000
🇧🇪 Francis Duprez – 73.000
🇳🇱 Bram Kuijpers – 64.000
🇳🇱 Cliff Dijkstra – 62.000
The Open Dutch Championship Poker winner Guy van Ginderen got eliminated just before the end of the day. He got eliminated at 70th place. The Dutch player Emile Cox, who has won 2 APAT Main-Events, was one of the main players to watch. Just after Guy van Ginderen he had to leave the playing field too.

#1 Netherlands Marschall Randy 406.000
#2 Netherlands Berkvens Bram 365.000
#3 Belgium Timsonet Sandrine 340.500
#4 Netherlands Zondag Enrico 325.000
#5 Belgium Defauwes Christophe 290.500
#6 Netherlands Salamov Adam 279.000
#7 Belgium Passenier Timmy 271.500
#8 Belgium Coorevits Amaury 259.500
#9 Netherlands Giezen Martijn 235.000
#10 Belgium Theys Yannick 231.500
#11 Netherlands van Schalm Robert 224.000
#12 Netherlands Olierook Melvin 205.000
#13 Netherlands van Veenendaal Nick 191.500
#14 Netherlands Wansink Wesley 184.500
#15 Netherlands Appelman Hendrik 178.000
#16 Netherlands op ‘t Hof Cornelis 162.000
#17 Belgium De Clercq Kristof 161.000
#18 Netherlands Jansen Manfred 156.000
#19 Netherlands Jol Jeffrey 137.500
#20 Netherlands Mertens Eric 136.000
#21 Netherlands Kasbergen Niels 135.000
#22 Netherlands Koehoorn Danny 135.000
#23 Netherlands Schep Mario 134.500
#24 Netherlands Mooijen Angelo 134.000
#25 Belgium Boniver Christian 131.500
#26 Netherlands Cohen Pascal 125.000
#27 Netherlands van Erp Remco 123.500
#28 Netherlands van de Klundert Michel 116.500
#29 Netherlands Briels Ray 111.500
#30 Netherlands van der Loo Marc 107.000
#31 Belgium Vernaillen Robby 107.000
#32 Netherlands Michiels Roy 106.000
#33 Netherlands Knoppert Laurens 101.000
#34 Netherlands Wals Marcel 92.500
#35 Netherlands Dirks Joris 91.500
#36 Netherlands Tsang Chaki 91.500
#37 Netherlands de Brock Patrick 90.000
#38 Belgium Altena Michael 86.000
#39 Netherlands Silvester Steven 77.000
#40 Netherlands van der Schief Jan 72.500
#41 Netherlands Tjew Iwan 65.500
#42 Netherlands Dijkstra Lennart 61.500
#43 Netherlands Weerensteijn Martin 57.000
#44 Netherlands Lakerveld Daniel 56.500
#45 Netherlands Heinen Sven 44.000
#46 Netherlands van Ewijk Joris 43.000
#47 Netherlands Woudstra Ronald 41.500
#48 Netherlands Berben Paulus 39.500
#49 Netherlands Smulders Remi 37.000
#50 Belgium Landerloos Joachim 36.500
#51 Netherlands MEIJER MAURICE 34.000
#52 Netherlands Willart Richard 33.000
#53 Netherlands Kuijpers Bram 32.000
#54 Netherlands Kemme Walt 31.500
#55 Netherlands den Beer Joey 25.500
#56 Netherlands van der Stichel Franky 23.000
#57 Netherlands van Oers Rober 19.000
#58 Netherlands Ernens Xander 13.000